A quick guide on how to download unprotected videos from Netflix.
Open the show page in your browser (preferable Edge because Chrome and Firefox are capped at 720p)
Press CTRL+SHIFT+J to open the Network tab in the Developer Console and make sure the logging is on. (The icon on the top left must be red)
Now you can open the video you want to download.
While it loads type “cadmium/manifest” in the filter bar.
All but one row are disappeared now.
Click on the remaining row and head over to the response tab. Now press the curly braces button {}.
Select and copy all text with CTRL+A and CTRL+C.
Now we have a JSON response with all the video information. If you don’t know what that is then just go the form at the bottom of the page and paste it in the first field. If you know how to navigate it then have the paths:
Video track:
Audio track:
You can download them with your browser, curl, aria2 or whatever you like. Save the video track in .mp4 and the audio track in .mp3 and you can open them in a player like VLC or MPV (other players maybe work too but they are too picky on file formats).
Now assuming you called them video.mp4 and audio.mp3 we can merge the tracks.
You can use MKVToolNix for this, just drag the two files and press “Start Multiplexing”.
Or you can just use FFMPEG with a simple command
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a copy Final.mp4
N.B. you can feed the URLs directly to FFMPEG, just be sure to put them under quotes.
Below there is a simple form that gives you the video and track urls directly from the JSON and a simple line command to do it automatically with FFMPEG.